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the grit behind the grind.

About Brady


Let Valor Not Fail

Brady served nearly six years in the United States Army, eventually joining the 101st Airborne Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team. Deploying to Afghanistan in 2010 as a platoon leader, Brady was determined to embody the battalion’s rallying cry Ne Desit Virtus—Let Valor Not Fail. His resolve was tested four months into his deployment when his platoon was ambushed while on patrol. An RPG penetrated his vehicle, detonating on his seat’s headrest. With a diagnosis of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and shrapnel near his spine, Brady was forced to recover stateside before he could return to combat. After completing two tours in Afghanistan, complications from his injuries and PTSD forced him into early medical retirement. In 2014, Brady’s family moved back home to Virginia to raise their children and start a new chapter.

Background Stars

Starting Grit Hounds

A Whole Lot of Grit

Transitioning from military leadership to civilian life proved to be a difficult journey, especially in light of his combat injuries, however, Brady adapted by pursuing his MBA at The College of William & Mary. Returning to school provided an opportunity to retool and launch a new career, which he did at Deloitte Consulting, working in supply chain and network operations supporting a multitude of clients across industries and government sectors. Then, a mere two and a half years later in early 2020, a pandemic hit. Only a few months after bringing their fourth child home, Brady was laid off. He had reinvented himself in the past when he transitioned out of the military, so he was prepared when the pandemic forced him into another transformation. He felt there was only one obvious choice to make: follow his dream of starting his own business. 

“Hidden behind the things designed to take you out, to disrupt your life, are so often what ushers you to the threshold of a new pathway,” Brady said he has learned. “Success hinges on our attitude and perspective, as well as a whole lot of grit.” 

Forging Brady’s own path meant deciding which of his talents had the potential to support a successful business. As a former defensive lineman turned Airborne Ranger, Brady decided his most valuable skillset was lifting heavy things and breaking stuff; he realized junk removal and demolition were the perfect fit. Dogged persistence and mental toughness—these were qualities that Brady was well-acquainted with, and they would form the backbone of his new venture. Thus, Grit Hounds was established, built upon Brady’s experiences with integrity, hard work, unity, and, most importantly, grit.

Logan/Brady’s Story

deeper dive into logan/brady’s story.

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Veteran Support

A greater mission.

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